Courtney Greenberg
I write about anything and everything related to trending news in Canada: women’s issues + art history + politics + science + crime
My blog features
interviews + recaps + essays photography + book reviews
Should you wear a mask to prevent COVID-19?
What experts say
How people protect themselves when leaving their homes has experts divided—especially when it comes to wearing masks.
How worried should we be about the coronavirus?
The World Health Organization has declared a global emergency over the novel coronavirus.
Is Disney’s ‘outdated cultural depictions’ warning the right move?
The company faced backlash on social media
before viewers hit play.
Should poppies be updated to reflect changing times?
The most ubiquitous symbol of Remembrance Day—when the country honours fallen Canadian soldiers on Nov. 11—is the red poppy.
Authors vow to boycott Toronto libraries after controversial event
Canadian writer and founder of the Feminist Current website Meghan Murphy is at the centre of a social media storm after announcing her event at the Toronto Public Library.
Should Maxime Bernier participate in federal election debates?
Candidates are set to take part in debates ahead of the Canadian federal election, but a new addition has become a divisive issue for politicians.
Should religious symbols be banned in the public sector?
The Canadian federal election campaign officially kicked off on Wednesday, with party leaders giving speeches across the country.
Are we being overprescribed opioids?
A new study is shedding light on how opioids are being prescribed by doctors in Canada.
Toronto may soon get a street named after Rob Ford
If you think that Rob Ford Road has a nice ring to it, then you can vote on it.
Should Ontario's sex-ed curriculum be changed?
Last week, Ontario’s Conservative government revealed its sex education curriculum, which will be in effect at the start of the school year.
Should Alberta, Saskatchewan, B.C. separate from Canada?
The Western provinces are outraged by the federal election results that would have Prime Minister Trudeau serve another term as the Liberal leader of Canada.